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Common Signs Of Seawall Damage That You Can Look For

If you own property on the coast, you might have a seawall on your property. A seawall is put in place to help protect your home from the ocean, and it can be quite effective at protecting both the home and the property itself. If you want to be able to rely on your seawall, then you should know which common signs of damage that you should be looking for. If you notice any of these signs of damage or anything else that might give an indication that your seawall is damaged, it is important to call a team of seawall repair specialists as soon as you can.


One thing that you might notice when looking at an older seawall is the sign that erosion has occurred. You may find that your seawall has visible signs of being worn down from the sea beating against it over time. A little bit of erosion is normal, but as erosion becomes more serious, you may need to have repairs done to your seawall so that you can count on it to protect your home in the future.

Visible Cracks

Next, you should look out for visible cracks in your seawall. Visible cracks may be a sign that your seawall is deteriorating. Just because there are some cracks present does not mean that your seawall has to be replaced or that major repairs have to be done, though. If you can get someone to help you with repairing your seawall as soon as possible, you can address minor cracks and imperfections before they become too serious and before repairs become more expensive.

Settled Ground

It is not abnormal for the ground to settle a little bit around your seawall, particularly a few years after it has been put in place. If too much settling has occurred, though, you might have to worry about your seawall not being held in place as it should be. This could be a sign that your seawall's structure needs to be looked at.

Visible Anchor Rods

Lastly, you should keep a lookout for visible anchor rods when assessing the condition of your seawall. If you can see visible anchor rods, you should call a seawall repair professional as soon as possible to take a look at the problem.

If you rely on your seawall to protect your home and property from the tides, then it is smart to keep your seawall in good condition. Knowing which signs of damage to your seawall that you should be looking for is a good way to start.
